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en:extensions:workflowdesigner:tasks:expert:call_webservice [2015/01/09 22:47]
en:extensions:workflowdesigner:tasks:expert:call_webservice [2021/09/20 00:41] (current)
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 ====== call Webservice ====== ====== call Webservice ======
-This task could do a background call to a configured URL and transfer multiple configured parameters. +https://manuals.redoo-networks.com/​wiki/​manuals/​view/​Workflow%20Designer/​Workflow%20Actions/​Special%20Actions/​Call%20Webservice/​
- +
-You could set the Target URL, which could already contain some Parameters you want to transfer. +
-If you want to send dynamic parameters it is easier to use the "add Parameter"​ button and add every single parameter to the call. +
- +
-You could choose if you want to transfer the parameters with GET or POST. +
- +
-**GET** means the Parameters will be send in the url like this: "http://<​domain>?​parameter1=value1&​pareter2=value2&​..." +
- +
-**POST** means the Parameter won't be send in the URL, but are also added to the request. +
-This allows bigger amount of data, but must be supported by the webservice. +
- +
-At the moment there is no function to store orprocess the response.+