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en:modifications:googlecalendersync [2014/10/31 22:41]
swarnat Page moved from internal:googlecalendersync to en:modifications:googlecalendersync
en:modifications:googlecalendersync [2014/11/01 11:15] (current)
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 ====== Custom Google Calendar Sync ====== ====== Custom Google Calendar Sync ======
 +Tested with VtigerCRM 6.0 and 6.1!
 To setup the Vtiger Google Calendar sync with another calendar than the default one, you could apply this modifications. To setup the Vtiger Google Calendar sync with another calendar than the default one, you could apply this modifications.
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 ===== 3. File: /​modules/​Google/​models/​Module.php ===== ===== 3. File: /​modules/​Google/​models/​Module.php =====
 +This file only exist in vtigerCRM 6.1, becaus 6.0 don't support remove of Sync. 
 === 3.1 Search === === 3.1 Search ===