vtigerCRM 6.0 Modifications

permanently show number of available records in filter

To not only display this number, if you hover with your mouse, you could do the following modifications:
At first: If you don't see the total number of records on hover over the page numbers, you have to activate “LISTVIEW_COMPUTE_PAGE_COUNT” in config.performance.php

File: layouts/vlayout/modules/Vtiger/ListViewActions.tpl


{if $LISTVIEW_ENTIRES_COUNT}{$PAGING_MODEL->getRecordStartRange()} {vtranslate('LBL_to', $MODULE)} {$PAGING_MODEL->getRecordEndRange()}{/if}

Add after:


File: layouts/vlayout/modules/Vtiger/resources/List.js


var pageNumberText = pageStartRange+" "+app.vtranslate('to')+" "+pageEndRange;

Replace with

var pageNumberText = pageStartRange+" "+app.vtranslate('to')+" "+pageEndRange + " | Komplett: " + jQuery('#totalCount').val();

Remove Username after Filtername

If you don't need the Information, which user own a filter, you could easily remove this information.

File: layouts/vlayout/modules/Vtiger/ListViewHeader.tpl

Search and remove

{if $GROUP_LABEL neq 'Mine'} [ {$CUSTOM_VIEW->getOwnerName()} ]  {/if}